
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08

Saudi Real-Estate: demand for housing estimated at 200,000 units per year

The real estate sector is regarded one of the dynamic sectors in development, it is a target sector for all community segments and a safe channel because it depends on a set of pillars that depend on the strength of KSA economy, and the urgent demand for housing units. Now we can see that the percentage of KSA youth under age of 30 is about 70% of population, accordingly all those youth need houses. According to the recent statistics, the demand for housing units in the KSA is more than 200,000 housing units per year.

“1 Million Applicants for Housing in Saudi Arabia” says Dar Al Tamleek

We don’t have a clear vision of what is going to happen. In order to do product planning you need data and unfortunately accurate data is not available in Saudi. If you want to plan for the next five years you need to know how many houses are going to be built, how many exist, how many are going out of the market, how many permits have been approved etc. all of this data is not currently available or it is available but it’s not accurate.

Al Saedan Real Estate: Leading the Real Estate Market Maintaining Top Position

Al Saedan Real Estate is one of the leading real-estate companies in Saudi Arabia. The company has a strong expertise in master-plan developments, land development, building commercial and residential centers, selling and buying local and international real estates, providing consultation in real estates, and providing valuation and estimation services. Al Saedan is an international real estate company with projects in Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and the United Kingdom.

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