Soran Aziz: Development of Agriculture in Iraqi Kurdistan
Soran A. Aziz, Vice-President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry discusses the development of agriculture in Iraqi Kurdistan.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:06
Soran A. Aziz, Vice-President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry discusses the development of agriculture in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Mark DeWeaver, Co-founder of Quantrarian Capital Management – a DC-based emerging markets hedge fund – and author of Animal Spirits with Chinese Characteristics: Investment Booms and Busts in the World’s Emerging Economic Giant, discusses the stability issues in Iraq.
“Investors look for some pillars when they make their analysis of an investment climate. One is them is the legal framework. Kurdistan’s investment law was found to be the friendliest law for foreigners, with a high scale of incentives, flexibility in dealing with investors, giving good rights and position to the foreigners and protection measures.”
For the last several years the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region of northern Iraq has been attracting a relatively large, continuously growing, amount of investment; including local investment, foreign direct investment, and foreign/local partnerships.
The “Empire World Project” is a prime example of the new Kurdistan; a combination of business and leisure, and showcases the promising increase in investment and business confidence.
The role of the private sector in Iraqi Kurdistan is gaining momentum. Since 2005 the KRG changed it’s attitude towards the private sector and now perceives the private sector to be an important part of the economic development of the region.
Exclusive interview with Shwan Bakr Hasan, Chairman of Salaei Group.
Exclusive interview with Shwan Bakr Hasan, Chairman of SALAEI Group.
The latest figures right now show that more or less US $22 billion is the size and scale of committed investment; investment according to what we have in licenses.
The cabinet has set the budget for 2013 and it exceeds US $130 billion. We know that our region will receive a 17% share of the budget, minus the sovereign expenses.