
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Bahrain: Oil and Gas Sector’s Latest Developments

There has been significant downstream, upstream, and midstream development in Bahrain, such as Tatweer Petroleum drilling 15-18 new wells in Khuff Formation to increase the gas production of the Kindom, increased offshore exploration, the upgrading of Bapco refinery, and a planned US$ 20 billion investment into major oil and gas project. Dr. Mohamed Al Khalifa, Chief Executive of Banagas, discusses these recent developments in the oil and gas sector in Bahrain.

BBK Bahrain: Financial Performance and Outlook

At the end of September 2012 the BBK’s balance sheet grew remarkably to 7.1 Billion BD, an increase of 9.1% when compared to September 30, 2011. Abdul Karim Ahmed Bucheery, Chief Executive of BBK Bahrain and Chairman of the Bahrain Association of Banks, discusses the bank’s financial performance.

Banking Industry in Bahrain: Changing Landscape

Following the mergers between Ithmaar Bank and First Leasing Bank and a 3-way merger between Elaf Bank, Capital Management House and CAPIVEST, Abdul Karim Ahmed Bucheery, Chief Executive of BBK Bahrain and Chairman of the Bahrain Association of Banks, outlines the future structure of the banking industry in Bahrain.

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