SOLIBRA (Société de Limonaderies et de Brasseries d’Afrique) specialises in the manufacture and distribution of carbonated beverages and beers, and handles the bottling and distribution of brands such as Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Youki, Guinness, Flag, Tuborg, Bock and Awa.

SOLIBRA (Société de Limonaderies et de Brasseries d'Afrique)


Turnover: 353,9 (in millions of dollars)

Net income: 7,8 (in millions of dollars)

SOLIBRA (Société de Limonaderies et de Brasseries d’Afrique) specialises in the manufacture and distribution of carbonated beverages and beers, and handles the bottling and distribution of brands such as Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Youki, Guinness, Flag, Tuborg, Bock and Awa in Ivory Coast. The companys is ISO 9001 certified since 2005 and counts a total of 5 factories across the country.

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