Clients of BML Istisharat: Client Training Organized by BML Istisharat

During the second quarter of 2012 BML Istisharat, a leader in banking, insurance and ERP software products, organized several client training sessions for its clients.

Clients of BML Istisharat: Client Training Organized by BML Istisharat

BML Istisharat Newsletter Nb 199, 2nd quarter 2012: During the second quarter of 2012 BML Istisharat, a leader in banking, insurance and ERP software products, organized several client training sessions for its clients.

Auto Z team (Doha) was trained on IMAD General Accounting, Stock Management, Purchase Orders, Invoicing and Garage After Sales modules from April 22nd till May 9th, 2012. Training was administered by Mr. Youssef Abou Haidar, Senior Analyst Programmer – Operations – ERP.

BSN Bank (Kuala Lumpur) team attended a training session on ICBS Core, Central Facilities, Interest Calculation, Islamic Profit Sharing Calculation, Checkbooks, Utility Bills, Foreign Checks Remittances and Inward/Outward Transfers. Training was administered by Mr. Jihad Chaker, Assistant Manager. (See the photo above of Jihad Chaker and Elie Hajj with BSN Bank team.)

Another team from BSN Bank (Kuala Lumpur) attended a training session on ICBS Loans module (Commercial, Personal, Syndicated, etc.) and Islamic Financing modules (Murabaha, Ijarah, Tawarruq, Istisnaa, Parallel Istisnaa, Salam, etc.). Training was administered by Mr. Walid Atmeh, Assistant Director.

The Industrial Manufacturing and Distribution system (IMAD) is a modular software package supporting the financial, administrative, production and distribution activities of Manufacturing and Distribution Firms.
The first version of IMAD was implemented in 1981. Today, IMAD modules are successfully running at 100+ firms operating in both Manufacturing (Cement, Furniture, Fertilizers, Cosmetics etc.) and Distribution (Car dealerships, Home Appliances, Heavy Machinery, Pharmaceuticals etc.).
IMAD is available in two versions: Oracle and IBM AS/400 /DB2.
The Industrial Manufacturing and Distribution system is user friendly, modular, integrated, secure, flexible, parameterized, multi-currency, multi-lingual, multi- ompany, multi-branch, on-line, real time, RDBMS based and fully documented.

The Integrated Computerized Banking System (ICBS) is available in both conventional and islamic version.
ICBS is a Secure, Modular, Integrated, Easy to use with Standard Graphical User Interface (GUI), Web Enabled, On-line Real Time, Flexible, Interactive, Scalable, Multi-Currency, Multilingual Software System designed to support, manage and comprehensively control Financial Institution Front and Back Office activities.
ICBS runs in more than 50 banks worldwide and is available on: Oracle multi-tier platforms and IBM AS/400 platforms.
ICBS was designed as a set of integrated modules that share a common nucleus in order to cover Retail Corporate and Investment activities.

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