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The Jordanian market is a little bit better than the rest of the region, and definitely better than Europe and the States.
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The Jordanian market is a little bit better than the rest of the region, and definitely better than Europe and the States.
The banking sector in Jordan is very strong and successful.
The banks in Jordan have sustained profitability since 2009, and I believe they will continue to do so this year.
In the last year we have seen growth in the global container business; especially a surge in traffic between Europe and Asia.
The sector is also considered a backbone of the local economy with over 10% direct contribution to the local GDP and offers thousands of job opportunities. It also plays an essential role in providing an attractive environment for foreign investments that need strong infrastructure and up to date technology.
This year we have started drilling throughout the concession to characterize the rock’s richness, thickness and overburden as a first step towards identifying its suitability for our technology.
Oil shale in Jordan covers about two thirds of the country and some of it is unexplored. Jordan has been leading a policy to attract everybody who has interest in oil shale and has experience with it.
We have always been leaders in introducing new services to our customers.
I am also looking at turning Mawared into more of a commercial entity, so profits and loss will be very much clear.
We export around 80% of our production, and 20% of our production is for the local market. We export to around 16 markets abroad.