Batelco Group Is Growing

 Key to the Batelco Group’s strategy is the growth of its mobile and broadband customer base.

Batelco Group Is Growing

Growth in Mobile and Broadband
Key to the Batelco international strategy is the growth of its mobile and broadband customer base and at the end of the period the Group successfully reported growth in total mobile subscribers of 8% quarter on quarter and 43% over Q3 2010. Whilst broadband subscriber figures across the network remained stable from Q2, they have nevertheless shown strong double-digit growth of 14% when compared to the corresponding period last year.

Whilst broadband subscriber figures across the network remained stable from Q2, they have nevertheless shown strong double-digit growth of 14% when compared to the corresponding period last year.

Growing Contributions from Overseas Operations
In line with the Batelco diversification strategy, contributions from across its overseas operations, which continue to grow in absolute terms as well as a percentage of revenues and profits, helped to partially offset the effects of intense competition in Bahrain.

Jordan: The Group’s 96% owned subsidiary in Jordan, Umniah, delivered solid performance. At the end of Q3 its mobile subscriber base reached over 2.3 million, reflecting a 2% increase since Q2 and an impressive 31% increase year over year.

Kuwait: Batelco’s subsidiary Qualitynet, delivering total ICT solutions remains the market leader in Kuwait’s Data Communications and Internet Services industry with continued steady growth resulting in 6% growth in broadband customer numbers since Q3, 2010.

Other JVs: Sabafon, STel and Atheeb, companies in which Batelco owns minority stakes, continue to deliver customer and revenue growth. Most notably Sabafon (Yemen) registered growth in its mobile customer base, which has grown to 4.1 million, STel (India) now delivers mobile services to 3.5 million customers and Atheeb (Saudi Arabia) delivers voice and data services to over 115,000 customers.

Continued Focus on Scale and Profitable Growth
Batelco Group CEO Shaikh Mohamed continued by saying that further to progress being pursued at home and in its existing overseas operations, the Group also continues to explore additional opportunities for expansion. “Acquisitions of mobile and broadband operators in MENA and India are important strategic growth drivers which would allow Batelco Group to grow and diversify its revenues and gain synergies across an increased customer base.” “Similarly, acquisitions and partnerships with other operators to grow our scale and investments in ICT related opportunities are also important priorities for the Batelco Group,” Shaikh Mohamed concluded.


This press release has been issued by Batelco Corporate Affairs department. For further information, please contact Batelco Public Relations Office / Fax +973 17611898

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