An Incentive Scheme to Encourage SMEs to Go Public

The Casablanca Stock Exchange launches an incentive scheme to encourage SMEs to go public.

Casablanca Stock Exchange An Incentive Scheme to Encourage SMEs to Go Public

From the 1st of July 2011 to the 31st December 2012, the Casablanca Stock Exchange is introducing a new offer to SMEs to encourage them to raise capital through the stock market.

The Casablanca Stock Exchange has decided to grant, under certain conditions, a maximum of 500,000 MAD to SMEs going public.

The Casablanca Stock Exchange has decided to grant, under certain conditions, a maximum of 500,000 MAD to SMEs going public because of:

-The important role played by SMEs in the development of the Morocco`s economy;

-The cost of an IPO that varies from 2,2% et 5%, which can constitute a barrier to IPOs.


To be eligible for this offer, companies must:

– Have equity of less than 50 million MAD;

– Be listed on the growth or development markets;

– Issue at least 20% of its capital;

– Use the IPO proceeds to raise capital (with or without transfer).


Source: The Casablanca Stock Exchange website

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