Visit Mozambique: A Country With Some of the Best Tourist Destinations

Noor Momade, CEO of Cotur, mentions some interesting tourist destinations in Mozambique, such as Nacala, Pemba, Vilanculos, etc.

Noor Momade, CEO of Cotur, mentions some interesting tourist destinations in Mozambique, such as Nacala, Pemba, Vilanculos, etc.

“Near Mozambique Island, we have Nacala, where we now have a new airport. This is also one of the world’s deepest sea ports. Nacala is growing as a city. It has one of the country’s best beaches, Fernão Veloso, which is a very well-known place and is very attractive for tourism. Besides Nacala, there’s Pemba more to the North. A few years ago, Pemba was nominated among the world’s top 7 most beautiful seaside spots. We have many destinations. More to the South, we have Vilanculos, where there are a few islands, among them Bazaruto island, which is very nice indeed, with very clean water and in a class of its own”, says Noor Momade.

“As you can see, Mozambique has everything. Not only the gas and oil that has been discovered, but we have also been recognised as among the best for tourism. The great thing and what’s different about us vis-a-vis other countries, in coming to Mozambique for tourism, is that we’re still very new. Everything is unspoilt, whereas when you go to other countries with established tourist destinations, these tend to be very well known but often overused. If you come to Mozambique, some of the places you’ll visit, you’ll be the first to discover and see! This is also among the wonderful things you’ll be able to do in Mozambique: we are very new, you can see new things, and you can be the first or very nearly first person to visit some of the sites”, he adds.

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