
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08

Desalination market worth SAR 70 bn over the next 5 years

The figures can be deceiving. You might hear figures like 300 or 400 billion. Desalination is a very tough business that requires a lot of engineering. Even if you have resources, you have what are called ‘technical capacity limitations’ and you need to do an environmental impact study. So there are other factors that dictate the uncontrolled expansion of the desalination market. Several issues need to be taken into consideration including environmental impact, engineering capabilities, the availability of first class EPC contractors etc.

Eranove: Services d’Eau, d’Assainissement et d’Électricité en Afrique

L’ambition de l’Etat est de faire de la Côte d’Ivoire le hub énergétique. Il est donc très important que nous soyons aux côtés de l’Etat pour satisfaire cette ambition et nous sommes prêts à mobiliser les ressources et les financements, pour l’accompagner dans le domaine des infrastructures, mais aussi dans la gestion de ces infrastructures.

Agriculture in Saudi Arabia: Water is the Biggest Challenge

Ali O. Al-Rakban, CEO of Al Safi, Saudi Arabia
With our 35 years of experience in Saudi in the modern agricultural industry and especially in dairy as well as in poultry, I believe we created a world-class, efficient agricultural project. The biggest challenge is and will be with water consumption. For example, today 96% of the water consumption in the dairy business comes from feeding.

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