
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08

Kuwait Banking Sector Outlook 2015

Commercial Bank was established in 1960. That’s about 50 years of existence. It opened in this area, the commercial area. Most of the branches were also built in the commercial area, rather than in residential areas. This was corrected later on when the management of the bank realised it was necessary to have a presence in the residential areas. There will be further expansion itno the residential areas of new cities that are coming up.

Business Tourism in Saudi Arabia: Optimistic Outlook

Riyadh is the capital city and is one of the most important and populated cities in Saudi Arabia. We have more than 5 million people living in Riyadh. With the launch of the Riyadh International Convention and Exhibition Centre (RICEC) in 2009, the MICE sector started to grow more and more as this centre encouraged more people to come to Saudi Arabia for such purposes.

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