Oil and Gas

imported 2024-03-17 17:43:06

National Oil Corporation of Libya (NOC) hopes to reach oil production of 1.7 MBD by the end of 2013

Dr. Nuri A. Berruien, Chairman of the Board, National Oil Corporation (NOC) of Libya
Libya has two large refineries and it needs to improve the performance of these to decrease the gasoline imports, which currently stand at 80% of the overall oil consumption in Libya. NOC Chairman Dr. Beruuien anticipates there will be three big refineries built in Libya, however it will be the private sector that will play a major role in these investments. 1955 petroleum law of Libya is being revised and NOC is also reviewing their EPSA models to encourage investment in Libya. NOC hopes for an oil production of 1.7 million barrels per day by the end of 2013 while the operating costs remain very low – close to US $5.5 per barrel. Dr. Berruien expects more oil discoveries in Libya as many areas have not been fully explored yet.

National Oil Corporation: Libya will be Producing Oil for Another 50 Years

Dr. Nuri A. Berruien, Chairman of the Board of National Oil Corporation (NOC), discusses the future for National Oil Corporation, the largest oil company in Libya. With the fall of the Qaddafi regime, “For the first time, we have been operating differently from the past. NOC has greater independence, unlike in the past under the old regime when the government would interfere with the industry and make dictates that are not conducive to a good business environment. This is all gone,” explains Dr. Berruien.

Oil in Libya: Production to Reach 2 million Barrels by 2015

Dr. Nuri A. Berruien, Chairman of the Board of National Oil Corporation (NOC), talks about oil in Libya and oil production in Libya. According to Dr. Berruien, “National Oil Corporation has technically exceeded 1.6 million barrels of oil per day but in actuality we are averaging about 1.5 million barrels of oil per day because of some strikes which are affecting our oil production levels. We have established the capability to produce more than 1.6 million and hopefully by the end of the year, we will be close to 1.7 million barrels per day of oil.”

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