
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:09

Public Transport in the Federal District of Brazil

Marco Antonio Campanella, CEO of DFTRANS
DFTRANS has many plans how to develop and improve the public transport in the Federal District of Brazil until 2014 – the World Cup year. Primarily, the public transport car-park has to be refurbished and DFTRANS wants also to implement a single ticket which would allow passengers to freely use any type of public transport in the Federal District of Brazil without any major problems.

CAESB: Water Company of Federal District Brazil

Celio Biavati, President of CAESB (Companhia de Saneamento Ambiental do Distrito Federal)
CAESB, the water company of Federal District of Brazil, is a clear example of another success story of Brazil. CAESB has managed to decrease the average water consumption in Brazil and is cooperating with few African countries since the CAESB system can be applied and fit with undeveloped and developing countries around the world.

IT Training and Education in Brazil: Impacta

Impacta has successfully established itself as the IT training and IT education centre in Brazil and Latin America itself. Impacta Technology Group is praised for its technology and methodology which is offered to individuals and/or companies. Impacta is well-known for its excellent methodology of world-class quality and has become a leader in the IT training and IT education in Brazil.

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