Jordan’s Top Transportation Companies has compiled the list of the top transportation companies in Jordan.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07 has compiled the list of the top transportation companies in Jordan. has compiled the list of the top logistics & shipping companies in Jordan. The Kingdom has invested heavily in its transport sector over the last ten years. has ranked the largest transport, logistics and warehousing companies in Mozambique.
Rui Brandão gives an overview of TECAP, a company which provides services and supplies products for agriculture, livestock and agro-industry ; Sodil, a Mozambican import and distribution company ; and Adicional, a logistics company.
“Our 2020 strategy is the set of objectives we have committed to reach by our 25th anniversary. It’s the set of targets we need to attain despite what is currently happening in the region. The strategy is based on three pillars,” explains Mourad Aoun, CEO of The Net Holding.
“Net Critical is going to play a major role in the future because this is a business that doesn’t really exist in the Middle East. As such, we are bringing the concept along with the best practices and the expertise we have acquired from our European partners,” explains Mourad Aoun, CEO of The Net Holding.
Luis Roque Aguiar, Commercial and Development Manager at Motrabro, a global logistics services company, gives his assessment of the transportation sector in Mozambique and presents Motrabro.
Paulo Mata gives an overview of the port sector in Mozambique and presents the Port of Maputo, mentioning its main competitive advantages, projects, investments and future goals.
Paulo Mata, Port Authority Director, gives his assessment and outlook for the sector and discusses investments in the Port of Maputo.
Le Syndicat des Entreprises de Manutention du Port Autonome d’Abidjan et de San-Pedro (SEMPA) a élu Stéphane Eholie, PDG de SIMAT, en qualité de Président du Conseil d’Administration.