
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Industrial Development Agency in Egypt: Support for Egyptian SMEs

There is something interesting about Egypt as far as SMEs are concerned. Anything and everything that you can imagine is already there in terms of services. Only people don’t know about it. Or they are isolated as islands or the services are offered to them in a very small portion. Whatever practice you can imagine in the world, already exists here in Egypt. The whole idea is to coordinate the efforts.

Education in Kuwait: Kuwait University to Expand Postgraduate Education

Well they have to reform public education and by public I mean pre-university education. The reform shouldn’t come before establishing what the problems are. In my opinion, the only reason to establish what the problems are, is to have a uniform national exam for the country. You know, it’s alright that you have Kuwaiti public schools, it’s alright that you have British private schools, American or French or what have you. Of course for people who are going to Britain, they have to take exams that are required by the universities in Britain.

Doing business in Kuwait: $150 billion worth of projects coming is a major opportunity

Most of the business is done in partnership with Kuwaitis. We have a law here that requires that for a business to be established here, it must have a 51% Kuwaiti partnership. But now there is a new department in the Ministry of Finance, the Foreign Investment Department. Under this, if a foreign direct investor wants to set up a new business, say to produce ethylene, or cement etc., they can own up to 100% stake in it.

Kuwait Banking Sector Outlook 2015

Commercial Bank was established in 1960. That’s about 50 years of existence. It opened in this area, the commercial area. Most of the branches were also built in the commercial area, rather than in residential areas. This was corrected later on when the management of the bank realised it was necessary to have a presence in the residential areas. There will be further expansion itno the residential areas of new cities that are coming up.

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