
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Increased military spending to boost manufacturing and knowledge sectors creating advanced jobs and further diversifying Saudi economy

The top three largest defense spenders in the world are the US, Russia, and China. According to 2014 figures compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Saudi Arabia comes in as a close fourth, having spent an estimated $80.8 billion dollars up by 17% from 2013.

Saudi Arabia – No Longer a One-Basket Economy

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and oil are some of the oldest synonyms in contemporary history. But the kingdom has more to offer than black gold, and the government in Riyadh is working tenaciously to diversify the economy. “If you compare it by GDP, oil represents 85 percent in Saudi Arabia,” says Abdulrahim Al-Zamil, Chairman of the multi-industry conglomerate Zamil Group.

Advanced Electronics Company Moving Saudi Arabia Closer to Knowledge Economy

Dr. Ghassan Al-Shibl, President and CEO of Advanced Electronics Company (AEC)
The issue of a knowledge-based economy is clearly a very critical one for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The beauty of knowledge-based industries lies in their heavy reliance and dependence on human resources. If you look at the composition of the population in the Kingdom, more than 60% of the population is less than 30 years old. We have a very young population, which is one of the most crucial requirements for the development of a knowledge-based econom

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