Construction & Real Estate

imported 2024-03-17 17:43:09

Civil and Building Construction: Dhruv Jog Presents Tanzanian Construction Company Advent

Dhruv Jog gives an overview of Advent Construction Ltd, a Tanzanian construction company specialized in large scale civil and building construction works, such as water works, airport works, marine engineering, industrial construction, building construction and residential construction. Advent is one of Tanzania’s largest and most recognized civil and building construction companies.

Real Estate Consultancy in Uganda: An Exclusive Interview with Judy Rugasira of Knight Frank

Judy Rugasira discusses the challenges to be faced by the real estate sector in Uganda during the COVID-19 crisis, as well as the opportunities that have arisen in this context. She also gives an overview of Knight Frank Uganda, a leading independent real estate consultancy, specialized in property management and valuations for the residential and commercial sectors.

Construction Sector in Uganda: Ready-Mix Concrete and Drilling Solutions by Kasthew Group

Mathias Kasujja shares his assessment of the construction sector in Uganda and presents Kasthew Group. Kasthew provides many solutions for the construction sector, ranging from ready-mix concrete to water drilling, explorational drilling, Geotech drilling, etc. He also discusses international reach and projects, and shares his vision for the future of Kasthew Group for the medium term.

The Seventeen Apartment-Hotel: Fully Furnished and Serviced Luxury Apartments in Kampala

Alykhan Allibhai shares his assessment of the apartment hotel sector in Uganda and presents The Seventeen Apartment-Hotel. Located on Kololo Hill Lane in Kampala, The Seventeen Apartment-Hotel is a contemporary scheme of 17 fully furnished and serviced luxury apartments, with excellent amenities and reliable services.

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