
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08

Zebad General Export and Import: Discussing the Coffee Sector in Ethiopia with Emebet Tafesse

Emebet Tafesse shares her assessment of the coffee sector in Ethiopia and presents Zebad General Export and Import, an Ethiopian trading company specialized in exporting high quality, fertiliser-free, washed and sun-dried coffee to the international market. She also gives an overview of ERKAB Transit and Consultancy, her logistics company, and shares her vision for the future.

Top Coffee Exporters in Ethiopia

Top Coffee Exporters in Ethiopia
Taking the lion’s share in the export commodities, coffee is Ethiopia’s flagship export product. There are over hundred coffee exporters present in the market. The following are some of the top coffee exporters in Ethiopia. The list has been drafted according to the export performance (by volume and revenue) in the 2012/13 fiscal year, when Ethiopia exported its coffee to more than 40 countries worldwide. Among the top coffee exporters in Ethiopia are Horra Trading, Aleta Land Coffee and Addis Exporter.
 Horra Trading
Horra Trading is currently one of the largest coffee exporters in Ethiopia. Exporting 18,447 tons of coffee, Horra Trading earned 57,719 USD in the last fiscal year (2012/13).
 Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union
Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union is also at the forefront of coffee export. In the 2012/13 fiscal year it exported 6,673 tons of coffee and earned 39,940 USD.
 Aleta Land Coffee
 Addis Exporter
 Mullege Coffee Exporters

Ethiopia’s export commodities and export markets: Coffee, gold and fluctuating prices

Ethiopia Sector Analysis
Ethiopia’s export commodities and export markets: Coffee, gold and fluctuating prices
‘Export is a matter of life and death for us!’—say the government officials in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is exporting more than 1,800 commodities to over 45 countries across the globe. Led by coffee—the country’s flagship export item that accounts for about 65% of the total export—, a number of agricultural products (e.g. oil seeds) and gold have also been in the forefront of export for years.

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