Prompt Delivery and Expertise: Why Choose Estaaron Ventures for Your Construction Materials’ Needs
Aaron Kofi Tawiah, CEO of Estaaron Ventures Ltd, explains why people should choose Estaaron when it comes to construction materials.
List of all articles filed under “africa-reports” category.
Aaron Kofi Tawiah, CEO of Estaaron Ventures Ltd, explains why people should choose Estaaron when it comes to construction materials.
The Rotary Club of Malindi celebrated its 32nd charter anniversary, and one of the ways they raise funds for education bursaries and polio eradication is through the Annual Malindi Marathon/Charity Walk, now in its eleventh year. Crown Paints Kenya PLC, in collaboration with Rhagib Stores, proudly supports the Malindi Marathon since its inception, as part of their commitment to business partners and CSR initiatives.
The Ghanaian telecom sector has undergone a remarkable transformation over the years, turning it into a key driver of economic growth and social development. With a vibrant mix of mobile, fixed-line, and internet services, the country has embraced telecommunications as a catalyst for progress, innovation, and enhanced connectivity.
Mukesh Thakwani, Chairman of DPS International Ghana, discusses recent accomplishments at the school and explains what sets DPSI apart. “As the promoter and Chairman of …
In this exclusive interview, CFO Maurice Oyuyo highlights Silafrica’s vision and position in the packaging industry in Kenya and East Africa. Oyuyo sees Silafrica as a dominant player in the packaging space, focused on tailored solutions for packaging, improving plastic usage, and providing innovative solutions to B2B customers. The company offers a wide range of products, including high-quality crates and innovative foldable crates that address environmental concerns.
Maurice Oyuyo, CFO at Silafrica, explains how the packaging manufacturer has become the industry leader in Kenya and East Africa, and is redefining the packaging space in the region.
Mukesh Thakwani, Founder and CEO of B5 Plus, the leading steel manufacturer in Ghana and West Africa, discusses the company’s legacy and impact in terms of job creation and social responsibility.
Aaron Kofi Tawiah, CEO of Estaaron Ventures Ltd, discusses upcoming real estate projects in Ghana and shares his vision for Estaaron Ventures.
Snehar Shah shares his assessment of the IT sector in Kenya and presents Moringa School, a multi-disciplinary learning accelerator committed to closing the skills gap in Africa’s job markets by delivering transformative tech-based learning to high-potential jobseekers; and on graduation connecting them to local and international employers who desire high-quality tech talent.
Snehar Shah, CEO at Moringa School, a multi-disciplinary learning accelerator committed to closing the skills gap in Kenya and Africa’s job markets by delivering transformative tech-based learning to high-potential jobseekers, presents the tech training institution.