Ethiopia HP Articles

Exploring the Latest Trends and Innovations in FMCG Packaging: Enhancing Consumer Experience and Sustainability

In recent years, the FMCG packaging industry has undergone a period of rapid innovation, driven by changing consumer preferences and technological advancements. These changes have created new opportunities for brands to differentiate themselves and enhance the consumer experience. Silafrica, a leading producer of rigid plastic packaging solutions, has been at the forefront of these changes with its innovative and sustainable packaging solutions.

Foreign direct investments flows to Ethiopia | Why should foreign investors direct their investments to Ethiopia?

Ethiopia Top Stories
Foreign direct investments flows to Ethiopia | Why should foreign investors direct their investments to Ethiopia?
Ethiopia ranks 7th out of all African countries in terms of the ease of doing business. What kind of incentives does the country offer to foreign investors and which sectors are the most attractive for FDI?

Real estate in Ethiopia growing by 25% | Role of private real estate companies in Ethiopia

Ethiopia Top Stories
Real estate in Ethiopia growing by 25% | Role of private real estate companies in Ethiopia
The increasing number of emerging middle incomers has increased the demand for real estate development. A 2010 study by the Africa Development Bank shows that Africa’s middle class has increased to 34%, an increase of 27% from the 1980s, and Ethiopia is not considered to be an exception. Given that the government cannot address the need for the increasing demand for real estate on its own, it allowed a number of local private investors to become the major actors in the development of real estate in Ethiopia.

Tourism industry in Ethiopia | Tourism potential is immense, performance lagging behind

Ethiopia Top Stories
Tourism industry in Ethiopia | Tourism potential is immense, performance lagging behind
“What makes Ethiopia different from the neighboring countries like Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda is that our attractions are not just nature and wildlife, but they are much diversified. We have culture, history, nature and scientific tours,” claims Samrawit Moges, managing director of Travel Ethiopia.

Robust economic growth of Ethiopia during the last decade contributed to poverty alleviation in the country

Ethiopia Top Stories
Robust economic growth of Ethiopia during the last decade contributed to poverty alleviation in the country
While the economy of sub-Saharan Africa grew on average by 4.9%, Ethiopian economy registered a robust growth of 7.5% in the 2012/13 fiscal year according to the latest African economic outlook. Since the 2004/2005 fiscal year Ethiopian GDP had been steadily growing by an average of 10.6% each year according to the World Bank data. This in turn pushed the country to rank among the top fastest growing economies across the globe; led by the expansion of services followed by agriculture and manufacturing.

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