
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Financial Services in Tanzania: Altemius Millinga Gives an Overview of Yetu Microfinance Bank

Altemius Millinga, Managing Director of Yetu Microfinance Bank PLC, shares his assessment of the microfinance sector in Tanzania and gives an overview of Yetu Microfinance, a bank specialized in providing financial services, loans, savings products, money transfer and payments to the lower end of the market of the financial sector spectrum.

Financial Solutions in Kenya: Geoffrey Gitau and Co, A Leading Auditing and Accounting Firm Based in Nairobi

Geoffrey Gitau presents Geoffrey Gitau and Co. and discusses competitve advantages and upcoming projects for the leading auditing and accounting firm based in Nairobi, Kenya. Geoffrey Gitau and Co. is a financial solutions centre geared towards providing auditing, accounting, bookkeeping, taxation and financial advisory services that adds value to clients.

Craydel: Helping Students and Working Professionals in Africa Search and Apply to Their Best-Fit Higher Education

Manish Sardana discusses access to higher education in Africa and presents Craydel, an online platform that aims at re-engineering how students and working professionals in Africa search, discover and apply to their best-fit higher education. With offices in Kenya and Nigeria, Craydel is on a mission to democratize access to quality higher education throughout the continent.

Insurance Sector: Ayman Al-Ajmi Discusses Braxtone’s Strategy in Bahrain and the GCC Region

Ayman Al-Ajmi explains how the insurance sector in the GCC region has been recovering from the effects of the pandemic and discusses Braxtone’s strategy and place within the regional market. Established in 2015, Braxtone is an independent insurance manager, licensed by the Central Bank of Bahrain, specialied in providing professional services including captive management, claims management, operational support, consulting, etc.

Discussing the Latest Investment Opportunities in Kenya with Olivia Rachier of KenInvest

Olivia Rachier discusses the latest investment opportunities in Kenya and talks about the current strategy adopted by Kenya Investment Authority to attract investments. She also shares her assessment and latest news related to the Kenyan economy, and talks about her vision as well as the next developments she has in mind as the Acting Managing Director of KenInvest.

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