
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:06

Energy Sector in Ghana: The Renewable Energy Industry by Kate Quartey-Papafio

Kate Quartey-Papafio shares her assessment of the energy sector in Ghana, focusing on the importance for the country to develop its renewable energy industry. She also mentions some of Reroy Group’s current projects and talks about her search for investors who can invest in the company and partner with them in terms of technology transfer and sustainability, as well as future plans for growth.

AGEDI : Développement des Zones Industrielles en Côte d’Ivoire par Youssouf Ouattara

Youssouf Ouattara nous parle du processus de certification de l’AGEDI (Agence de Gestion et de Développement des Infrastructures Industrielles en Côte d’Ivoire), des différentes zones industrielles, de leur stade de développement, du recensement des entreprises industrielles hors zones industrielles, mais aussi de la réhabilitation des anciennes zones de Yopougon et Vridi.

Joy Industries: The True Bitters of the Land with Health Benefits and Medicinal Properties

Dr. Nutifafa Kwasi presents Joy Industries’ flagship products: Joy Dadi Bitters, Joy Twedee Ginger and Sokoo, the true bitters of the land. Made from real medicinal plants and herbs, these products present a foaming characteristic called saponins, which are phytochemicals in plants. Joy Industries is a leading medicinal and herbal products manufacturer in Ghana.

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