Foreign investments

imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Engineering Square (IDG), the largest industrial developer in Egypt

Engineering Square (IDG) started in 2007 as an idea of the former Minister of Trade and Industry Engineer Rashid and some business people. “They invented the so-called industrial developer to create more industrial land in Egypt without putting financial burden on the government. We have sold out about 85%, of which 50% are already functioning. We have about 35 factories operating. Another 25 are under construction,” explains Sameh Attia, Managing Director of Engineering Square (Industrial Development Group).

Real estate investments in Egypt | The Saudi Egyptian Construction Company

“The Saudi Egyptian Construction Company was established in 1975 by the Saudi and the Egyptian governments. It is split equally by both parties. The company was established for real estate investment in Egypt. Since 1975, we have been making excellent investments and we have been producing different kinds of apartments with the required standards for Egyptians and for Arabs,” explains Engineer Darwish Ahmed Hassanin.

Saudi Arabia Attracts Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry discusses Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). While foreign direct investment weakened to Saudi Arabia in 2013, the Kingdom remains the most attractive destination for foreign investment in the Arab world according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and “World Investment Report 2013.”

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