
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

“دهانات الجزيرة” تبتكر منتجاً لتبريد الطرق

تواصل “دهانات الجزيرة”، الشركة الرائدة في عالم الدهانات والألوان والحلول الإنشائية في المملكة والشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، نهجها وتطبيقها لقيمها في الابتكار والتجديد، بإيجاد منتجات وتقديم حلول عملية لمختلف التحديات والمشكلات، سعياً لرفع مستوى جودة الحياة.

“ميني بينت”.. ابتكار جديد من “دهانات الجزيرة” لاختيار اللون الأمثل لجدارك

ابتكر خبراء “دهانات الجزيرة” حلاً مميزاً لاختيار اللون الأمثل لمساحتك، يوفر وقتك ويحفظ جهدك بسعر يناسب احتياجاتك، ويضم ميزات متعددة يتكامل وجودها في منتج واحد، هو الجزيرة “ميني بينت”.

The Big 5 Saudi: The 2023 Event Connecting the Construction Industry in Saudi Arabia

The Big 5 Saudi, the Kingdom’s leading construction event which was originally launched in 2010 with a mission to fully equip Saudi Arabia’s construction sector amidst its huge development plans, is bringing together thousands of industry professionals, including architects, engineers, contractors, and suppliers, to showcase the latest products and technologies, network, and explore business opportunities in the region.

“All in One” Seminar: Jazeera Paints Shares Its Experience and Acquaintances in Al-Medina

Jazeera Paints – the leading company in the world of paints, colors, and construction solutions in Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, and North Africa – continues to share the creativity with its seminars “All in One” in Al-Medina, with the presence of top group of consultants, engineers and real estate developers, to learn about the company’s history, achievements, and the latest technologies and products.

Paint Industry: Jazeera Paints Hosts the Saudi-Egyptian Forum for Senior Designers and Architects

Jazeera Paints hosted the Saudi-Egyptian Forum for senior designers and architects in Riyadh, the first of its kind in Saudi Arabia and the Arab World. To promote the exchange of experiences and strengthen the business and economic ties between the two neighboring countries, Jazeera Paints intends to continue to host and organize the Saudi-Egyptian Forum annually.

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