Libya Africa Investment Portfolio’s (LAIP) Headquarters Attacked in Tripoli, Libya.

Libya Africa Investment Portfolio’s (LAIP) Headquarters Attacked in Tripoli, Libya.

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Libya – 17 December 2014:

The headquarters of Libya Africa Investment Portfolio’s (LAIP) experienced an armed attack and unlawful occupation due to the unstable security situation in Tripoli, Libya.

The individuals illegally occupying LAIP’s headquarters are believed to be attempting to gain control over bank accounts, assets, and subsidiaries, by presenting themselves as LAIP’s “new management.” They may also attempt to do so by illegally using corporate letterheads, seals, stamps, files, and records kept at LAIP’s headquarters, and filing notices of purported authority with third parties in Libya and internationally.

A statement from LAIP’s management explains that they have filed a formal complaint regarding the illegal actions perpetrated by the persons involved to the appropriate governmental and judicial authorities in Libya. “LAIP has also executed its business continuity and business protection plans. LAIP is notifying various business critical third parties of the threat posed by the illegal occupation of its HQ in Tripoli. We would be grateful if you could treat with the utmost caution any approach made to your organization by any persons purporting to represent LAIP, and to report the same to me.”

LAIP has warned organizations that the only people with authority to give any instructions at this time are Mr. Ali Elhebri, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Mr. Ahmed Kashadah, the General Manager.

LAIP is happy to address any specific concerns regarding this unprecedented situation. The Crisis Management team can be reached via email at

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