“A Night in Buenos Aires” was a success in Cuiabá

“A Night in Buenos Aires” was the first social event of Caixa Construções, a successful construction company based in Mato Grosso (Brazil).

“A Night in Buenos Aires” was a success in Cuiabá

Mato Grosso, Brazil: “A night in Buenos Aires”, hosted by Caixa Construções in the beginning of November 2012, was a success amongst the invitees. More than 200 clients and friends beheld an unforgettable tango show, with Fabio Hager, a sextet and Argentinean dancers.

“Cultural events of this calibre are rare in Cuiabá, I believe that the presence of musicians and dancers specialized in the tango rhythm enchanted most of the guests.”


According to the construction company’s manager, Gelice Prado, environments such as the show houses in Argentina were what inspired the event. “Decoration, lighting, foods and everything else contributed to making the environment perfect so that everyone could feel like they were in a real Porteño (original of Buenos Aires) show house.

The guests also got the opportunity to interact with the construction company’s projects. Within the recesses of three of the buildings: The Point, Forest Hill and Áquila Residence the clients got to learn more details about these undertakings, with 360° tours, augmented reality and also Kinect technology, which captures body movements.

The construction company’s architect, Pedro Paulo, who is also responsible for the printed illustrations, guarantees that the innovation impressed the guests. “Many visitors approved checking out the undertakings and complimented the initiative,” he guarantees.

Apart from all of this, in the same environment of the show, a video mapping of the projects was the backdrop for the successful night. “The mix of three-dimensional images, together with other forms of interactions, made Caixa’s buildings seem even more real”, explained Pedro.

Argentinean Tango

The director of the construction company, Daniel Moreno, believes that the real Argentinean tango show made a huge difference at Caixa’s first social event. “Cultural events of this calibre are rare in Cuiabá, I believe that the presence of musicians and dancers specialized in the tango rhythm enchanted most of the guests”, he affirms.

Moreno also reveals that a new event for next year is being studied and planned to once again surpass the cuiabanos’ expectations.


This press release has been issued by Caixa Construcoes (Mato Grosso).

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