
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Innovation in Brazil

Airton Carlini, CEO, and Valter Pieracciani, Partner Director of Pritchett Rummler-Brache
It is well-known that innovation drives development. Brazil is on the right path to become a leader in innovation. According to Mr. Carlini and Mr. Pieracciani, Brazil is the place where a new management style is being born at the moment. Innovation in Brazil is directly dependant on the management style in Brazil.

Transport in Brasilia: Brasilia Subway

David José de Matos, President Director of METRO DF (Metropolitan Company of the Federal District of Brazil)
The plan of Metro DF is to make Brasilia transport more accessible, including subway, since the current figures show that only 150,000 people make use of the subway transport. This is a very small number when taking into account the size of metropolitan Brasilia – 2,5 million citizens.

Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait

Interview with Abdullah Al Sumait, Deputy CEO of Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK). Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait is considered to be rather a conservative bank. With other two branches in the UAE, Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait is financing many projects of Kuwaiti and also Emirati companies. Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait will be opening new retail branches during 2012.

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