
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

National Oil Corporation: Libya will be Producing Oil for Another 50 Years

Dr. Nuri A. Berruien, Chairman of the Board of National Oil Corporation (NOC), discusses the future for National Oil Corporation, the largest oil company in Libya. With the fall of the Qaddafi regime, “For the first time, we have been operating differently from the past. NOC has greater independence, unlike in the past under the old regime when the government would interfere with the industry and make dictates that are not conducive to a good business environment. This is all gone,” explains Dr. Berruien.

Kuwait Energy: Investments into the Future

“In Kuwait , we feel that we are part of the world. When there was a high demand for energy , and oil in particular, Kuwait and Kuwait Oil Company responded positively by producing the maximum in 2008. In regard to Kuwait diversification , the long term concern is there. Kuwait should seriously think about diversifying sources of income for the country.” says Sami Al-Rushaid, Chairman and Managing Director at Kuwait Oil Company

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